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Q: What kind of weight loss services do you offer at T Off Your Health?

A: We offer a wide variety of weight loss options. We can custom tailor regimens for our patients that utilize menu plans, shopping lists, weight loss medication including phentermine (Adipex-P), phendimetrazine (Bontril), Qsymia, Belviq and Contrive. We offer pre-surgical medical weight loss and education programs and very low-calorie diets using protein supplements for rapid weight loss. We also offer nutrient analysis, digestive analysis and other functional medicine approaches to weight loss. We look forward to going grocery shopping with you, providing you exercise counseling and behavioral counseling to get your weight under control.


Q: Do you see both men and women? What about children?

A: We see both men and women. We can also see young patients, but generally age 18 and above. 


Q: Do you have special protein formulas and dietary supplements that are required on your program?

A: Currently we have the ability to recommend various products that may benefit your weight loss effort or achieve improved wellness. We do not have the required supplements. We will be able to test your blood for nutrient levels and other metabolic functions and make recommendations based on your unique labs.


Q: What expectations should I have regarding your weight loss program?

A: Our medical providers and dietitian will set dietary and calorie goals that will reduce your body weight by approximately 2 to 6 lbs a week. We start you on a simple menu plan. If you are to be started on medication, labs and possibly an EKG will need to be obtained prior to medication. You will also need to sign a weight loss consent form that is educational and outlines our goals, expectations, risks, and benefits.


Q: What are some of the physical hazards of being overweight?

A: Being overweight can hurt more than just your looks. Obesity is unhealthy and can lead to many medical conditions that can restrict your lifestyle and even shorten your life. Listed below are just a few of these medical conditions related to obesity.

  • High Blood Pressure: High blood pressure (hypertension) can result in varying degrees of damage to the brain (stroke), kidneys (degeneration), and the heart (heart attack). Being overweight is an added stress on these already strained organs. Therefore, it is essential that hypertensive, overweight people lose weight.

  • Heart Disease: As a person gains weight, the heart must work harder to supply nutrients to all tissues of the body. The greater the body mass, the greater the strain on the heart. There is a higher incidence of heart disease in people who are overweight.

  • Diabetes: Diabetes is more common in overweight people than in people of normal weight. When an overweight diabetic loses weight, diabetes often improves. (This pertains to Type 2 diabetics.)

  • Gallbladder Disease: A significantly higher incidence of gallbladder disease is observed in overweight people than in those of normal weight.


Q: What happens at the initial consultation?

A: To start we need to collect your health information just like any medical practice would. We will review your goals and discuss the options we have for you. You will have a physical exam as well. If you decide a good fit for you, then we will likely draw blood work. We may even be able to start you on a program right away. We often start with an easy to follow the plan and signing you up on our wellness portal so you can access nutrition plans and other information. You may get a B12 shot or possibly a B-complex shot with B12, also called a lipotropic injection. After we have reviewed your history and labs, a prescription for weight loss medication if indicated will be written for you.


Q: What if I have serious health issues, can I still participate in a program?

A: Yes you can. We will review your medical records and if a letter of clearance is required by a particular specialist, we will ask for it. Remember, many medical conditions respond well to weight loss and will even help minimize the effects of certain diseases such as high blood pressure and diabetes.


Q: Will I have to attend group meetings?

A: No you will not. We do recommend visits to our clinic at least twice a month for ongoing coaching and medical check-ups. For our aggressive programs such as the very low-calorie diet programs, weekly appointments are needed. We do have support groups, however, and attendance is optional.


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